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4821 Visningar •TDS_2023-BLSZer032_CUP_DISPOSABLE_EN
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4. BLS Zer0 32 BLS Zer0 32 C BLS Zer0 32C - Flame Retardant P 4/4 BLS Zer0 32 SERIES DISPOSABLE CUP SHAPED FILTERING FACEPIECES WITH ADJUSTABLE ELASTICS BLS SRL via dei Giovi, 41 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italy t/f +39 0239310212 / 0266200473 - TDS-BLSZER032-DISPOSABLE-CUP-EN CERTIFICATION BLS filtering facepieces are: • Certified according to European Regulation 2016/425 (Personal Protective Equipments) • Certified as PPE of III category, in presumption of conformity to harmonized standard EN 149:2001+A1:2009 • Certified and controlled according to Annex D by Italcert S.r.l. (Notified Body n°0426) • CE marked BLS management system is ISO 9001 certified. IMPORTANT BLS declines any responsibility, direct or indirect, from any misuse of both devices and instructions. User is responsible for the determ nation of product compliance with the intended use. SELECTION GUIDE PROTECTIVE LAYER_ BLS Zer0 32 / BLS Zer0 32 C • The external protective layer makes filtering facepieces suitable for handling in highly contaminated environments (i.e. use of gloves) CARBON LAYER_ BLS Zer0 32C / BLS Zer0 32 C Flame Retardant • Able to block organic and acid gases and vapours with concentrations lower that the TLV • Ideal for operations with ozone related risk (risk concentrations lower that the TLV) FULL GASKET_ ALL MODELS • Guarantees the best fit on all face sizes • Extends product’s life • Soft and abrasion resistant material FLAME RETARDANT_ BLS Zer0 32 C Flame Retardant • This extra layer make the filtering facepiece suitable for welding operations AVAILABLE MODELS
2. P 2/4 BLS Zer0 32 SERIES DISPOSABLE CUP SHAPED FILTERING FACEPIECES WITH ADJUSTABLE ELASTICS BLS SRL via dei Giovi, 41 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italy t/f +39 0239310212 / 0266200473 - TDS-BLSZER032-DISPOSABLE-CUP-EN WHAT ARE NANOPARTICLES AND WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO PROTECT ONSELF? They are particles with a diameter of approximately 1 to 100 nm (0.001 μm 0.1 μm). Recent studies have shown that some nanoparticles can penetrate cells and tissues, move through the body and brain and cause biochemical damage. In particular, the small size of nanopowders allows them to behave in a manner that can be described as intermediate between that of gases and the rest of suspended particulate matter. Adequate protection is therefore essential. EXAMPLES OF NANOPARTICLES diesel engine emissions, in welding, metal cutting, foundries. BLS Zero filtering masks ensure 99% filtration of nanoparticles, as verified by tests carried out at the Itene Research Institute (Valencia) - Test report of September 10th 2022 INTERNAL SUPPORT The new material has more eco-friendly requirements than the previous green fabric, as well as being lighter and softer, for a more pleasant contact with the face. 100 μm - Visible to the naked eye 0,0001 μm - Reverse osmosis 0,01 μm - Ultrafiltration 0,001 μm - Nanofiltration 0,1 μm - Microfiltration 5 μm - Macrofiltration 10 μm - Particulate filtration NaCl AL₂O₃ TiO₂ ZnO Graphene Penetration (%) 0,89 0,92 0,91 0,61 0,92 Filtration efficiency (%) 99,211 99,08 99,09 99,39 99,08
3. P 3/4 BLS Zer0 32 SERIES DISPOSABLE CUP SHAPED FILTERING FACEPIECES WITH ADJUSTABLE ELASTICS BLS SRL via dei Giovi, 41 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italy t/f +39 0239310212 / 0266200473 - TDS-BLSZER032-DISPOSABLE-CUP-EN TECHNICAL DATA MATERIALS STORAGE SHELF-LIFE 10 years/5 years (models with activated carbon) TEMPERATURE +5°C/+40°C RELATIVE HUMIDITY <60% TRANSPORT PRODUCT CODE CLASS of PROTECTION FPN VALVE CARBON LAYER FLAME RESISTANT ELASTICS GASKET BLS Zer0 32 8006298 FFP3 R D 50*TLV Sliding Complete BLS Zer0 32 C 8006300 FFP3 R D 50*TLV Sliding Complete BLS Zer0 32 C Flame Retardant 8006342 FFP3 R D 50*TLV Sliding Complete (NR) Not Reusable, 8 hours max (R) Reusable (TLV) Threshold Limit Value (D) The product passed Dolomite test, simulates a heightened level of solid particles (NPF) Nominal Protection Factor (ACTIVATED CARBONS) Able to block gases&vapours organic and acid with concentrations lower that the TLV (FLAME RESISTANT LAYER) Recommended for welding operations PRODUCT CODE WEIGHT (g) Q.TY/BOX Q.TY/CARTON CARTON WEIGHT (Kg) Q.TY/PALLET BLS Zer0 32 8006298 29 5 40 2,85 1.440 _Single pack 8006305 29 5 40 2,85 1.440 BLS Zer0 32 C 8006300 30,5 5 40 2,90 1.440 _Single pack 8006307 30,5 5 40 2,90 1.440 BLS Zer0 32 C Flame Retardant 8006342 34 5 40 3,05 1.440 _Single pack 8006343 34 5 40 3,05 1.440 ELASTICS Polyester (PES) and rubber ELASTIC HOLES Polypr opylene (PP) REAR HOOKS Polypr opylene (PP) NOSE CLIP Reinfor ced Polypr opylene (PP) with heat tr eated meta l VA LV E Polypr opylene (PP); Rubber GASKET Foamed polymer coupled with polyester textile (PES) FIL TERING MA TERIAL Polypr opylene (PP) PROTECTIVE LA YER Polyethylene (PE) CARBON LA YER Polyester (PES) + carbons FLAME RESIST ANT LA YER Modac ry lic textile fiber (MA) White Polyethylene (PE) * OUTER LAYER All components in dir ect contact with user ’s face ar e LA TEX FREE The product is Made in Europe, as all its components ar e (*) from March 2023
1. P 1/4 BLS Zer0 32 SERIES DISPOSABLE CUP SHAPED FILTERING FACEPIECES WITH ADJUSTABLE ELASTICS BLS SRL via dei Giovi, 41 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italy t/f +39 0239310212 / 0266200473 - TDS-BLSZER032-DISPOSABLE-CUP-EN BLS Zer0 32 series filtering facepieces offer maximum protection with an outstanding breathing comfort. They have a micro-mesh on the sur - face that prevents the clogging of the filtering material and the absorp - tion of liquids, thus extending the life of the device. Great transpiration performances with a ratio of transmission of water vapour through the material equal to 4500 g/m²*24hrs. 99% > 99% < 2,1 mbar 1,4 mbar < 3.0 mbar 1,1 mbar PROTECTION Better than a P3 BREATHING RESISTANCE Better than a P1 STANDARD *BLS Zer0 32 Inspiration 95 l/m Exhalation 160 l/m * tested by BLS Lab ADJUSTABLE ELASTICS Thanks also to the innovative drop-off system, they facilitate the correct positioning of the mask on the face. EXTERNAL PROTECTIVE LAYER ARMOR ® It is an external protective layer that ensures the protection of the filtering material from dirt, dust and liquids extending and preserving filtering efficiency and making the device safer. HIGH EFFICIENCY EOLO VALVE Eolo Technology is our system for fixing the valve’s membrane on three points instead of one, which allows an air passage in exha - lation 30% higher than traditional valves, concentrating it in two points of maximum opening. ANATOMIC The pre-formed cup and elastic support makes an easier and reliable fit, perfectly adapting to different physiognomies and ensuring an excellent hold. It offers an excellent visual field and a great compatibility with glasses.
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