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4447 Visningar •Honeywell_Clearflow_3_Brochure
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1. CLEARFLOW 3 Construction Automotive C O mp RE ss E d Ai RL in E Fi L t RA ti O n s yst E m CLEARFLOW 3 Filtration unit t he CLEARFLOW 3 compressed air filter range has been developed to deliver high quality breathable air to a range of respiratory devices. Air is taken from the factory compressed air system, bulk oil and water are removed by the coalescing filter. Where the removal of oil vapour and odour is necessary the use of a carbon adsorber filter is required. t he Cleaflow 3 range is available in wall mounted and portable stand versions. Laboratory & p harmaceutical
2. The CLEARFLOW 3 is a compressed airline filtration system. The CLEARFLOW 3 is able to supply breathable air for up to four operators using supplied air respirators, or up to two operators using respirators in combination with auxiliary tools such as hand held paint spraying equipment. Its one-piece body design offers ease of use, no small or easily lost parts and robustness P ROTECTIO n • The CLEARFLOW 3 is equipped with: - High flow system providing more flow - High efficiency coalescing filter - High capacity adsorber carbon filter • This system will ensure safety against a broad range of hazards. i t ensure protection against solid and submicron particles, liquids contaminants and liquid aerosols. S EC u RIT y • The CLEARFLOW 3 has a pop up indicator which tells the user when it is time to change the filter. t here is no risk of bad value judgment. • It is possible to fully lock down the system so that the flow can not be changed or closed off by another worker. E AS y OF u SE • No tools are required to replace internal filter elements. • Adaptability to work environnements thanks to portable stand version or wall-mounted version. • The systems can be used to supply air to a variety of Honeywell respiratory equipment. SPECIFICATIONS Gross weight 2,2 kg for wall-mounted / 5 kg for portable stand Net weight 1,9 kg for wall-mounted / 4,45 kg for portable stand Product dimensions 33 x 24 x 9 cm (wall-mounted) / 33,5 x 38,5 x 34 cm (portable stand) Packaging dimensions (individual packed) 35 x 27 x 15 cm (wall-mounted) / 46 x 45 x 48 cm for (portable stand) Materials Aluminium body, plastic components (polycarbonate bowl, nitrile seals, ABS cover) and some brass components Standard Clearflow 3 systems are not items of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Filters are compliant with ISO 8573 -1 (Compressed Air - Part 1: Pollutants and purity classes) which specifies the quality class of compressed air for the presence of particles, water or oil, irrespective of the mode of generation of the compressed air Best suited for use in - With Airvisor visors: Intensives works in dusty environment, preparation of powders or non aggressive handling liquids with risks of splashing, painting and acrylic varnish inside cabin - With MC95 supplied air with mask: Heavy duty maintenance in chemical and oil & gas industry environment, work close to viruses or bacteria in laboratory environment Components - Coalescing filter element : 1000 hours services – 0,01 micron - Adsorber filter element : 1000 hours services – 0,008 ppm - Compressor : Up to 10 bar - Air Flow : up to 1600l/mn (depending upon user’s compressor and the limitation imposed by his compressed air system/network) ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER CLEARFLOW 3 wall-mounted with 2 CEJN outlets for Airvisor 17 639 03 CLEARFLOW 3 on portable stand with 2 CEJN outlets for Airvisor 17 639 04 CLEARFLOW 3 wall-mounted with 2 RBE Outlets 17 639 05 CLEARFLOW 3 on portable stand with 2 RBE 06 outlets 17 639 06 CLEARFLOW 3 wall-mounted with 2 double action outlets 17 639 11 CLEARFLOW 3 on portable stand with 2 double action outlets 17 639 12 CLEARFLOW 3 wall-mounted with 2 free outlets 17 639 09 CLEARFLOW 3 on portable stand with 2 free outlets 17 639 10 CLEARFLOW 3 d OC3238 February 2013 © 2013 Honeywell International Inc. H O n E y WELL S AFET y P RO du CTS SPERIA n PROTECTIO n ( u K) LIMITE d Unit 3 Elmwood, Chineham p ark, Basingstoke, RG24 8WG Phone: +44 (0) 1256 693 200 - Fax: +44 (0) 1256 693 300 E-mail : H O n E y WELL S AFET y P RO du CTS Eu ROPE SAS i mmeuble Edison p aris n ord 2 - 33 rue des Vanesses CS 55288 Villepinte - 95958 Roissy CDG Cedex - France Tel : +33 (0)1 49 90 79 79 - Fax : +33 (0)1 49 90 71 04 Email: Lead them to safety — Build an enduring culture of safety where employees make safe choices on their own:
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