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5080 Visningar •Köpguide annonsen Health and Safety International - Europas tidskrift för anställda skydd och personlig skyddsutrustning
5017 Visningar •Demonstration av kardborreband för montering / installation av gasdetektor i fallskyddssele
4813 Visningar •Datasheet TouchNTuff 92-605
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1. World leader: Extended-cuff version of TouchNTuff 92-600, the world's leading disposable gloves for chemical splash protection Superior, extended cuff protection: Made with TNT™ Chemical Splash Resistance Technology, these gloves guard hands, wrists and forearms against harmful chemical splashes Elevated comfort: Super soft nitrile provides a comfortable feel during extended wear Robust durability: Proprietary formulation is extra-strong to prevent tearing during heavy-duty work Prevents surface defects: Silicone- free, they prevent contaminant transfer that causes flaws in paints, coatings and finishes 92-605 Extended Cuff Disposable Nitrile Glove with Enhanced Chemical Splash Protection Long-cuffed disposable gloves, delivering superior chemical splash protection and comfort ® Industries Life Sciences Food Processing Automotive Machinery and Equipment Chemical Recommended For Sample taking and processing Laboratory analysis Transferring liquids and solids Meat, Fish and Food Processing Industrial Production Maintenance Chemical Handling WWW.ANSELL.COM
2. J K P T TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Product Information External Glove Surface Textured Fingers Audit Standards ISO 9001 Packaging Overview 100 gloves per dispenser 10 dispensers per case 1000 gloves per case Storage Instructions Keep out of direct sunlight; store in a cool and dry place. Keep away from sources of ozone or ignition. Country Of Origin Thailand Product Segmentation High Risk Antistatic Yes EN1149 Vulcanization Chemical Accelerators Zinc Dibutyldithiocarbamate (ZDBC) Only a very small number of users may be sensitive to this ingredient(s) and hence may develop irritant and/or allergic contact reactions. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Typical Values Testing Method Length (mm/inches) 300 / 12 ASTM D3767,EN 420 Freedom from Holes (Inspection level I) 1.5 AQL ASTM D5151,EN 455-1 Palm Thickness (mm/mils) 0.12 / 4.7 ASTM D3767,EN 420 Finger Thickness (mm/mils) 0.16 / 6.3 ASTM D3767,EN 420 BEFORE AGING AFTER AGING Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa) ≥ 14 ≥ 14 ASTM D412 & D573 Elongation at Break (%) ≥ 500 ≥ 400 ASTM D412 Force at break (N) ≥ 6 ≥ 6 EN 455-2 ORDERING INFORMATION Size S (6.5 - 7) M (7.5 - 8) L (8.5 - 9) XL (9.5 - 10) Product Code 92605070 92605080 92605090 92605100 Performance Standards and Regulatory Compliance Europe, Middle East & Africa Region Ansell Healthcare Europe NV T: +32 (0) 2 528 74 00 F: +32 (0) 2 528 74 01 Asia Pacific Region MY +603 8310 6688 CN: +86 21 38275000 JP: +813 5549 8151 North America Region Ansell Healthcare Products LLC T: +1 800 800 0444 F: +1 800 800 0445 Latin America & Caribbean Region BR +55 (11) 3356-3100 MX: +52 442 296 2050 CO: +57 1 288 3247 Australia Ansell Limited T: +61 1800 337 041 F: +61 1800 803 578 Russia Ansell PYC Ten. +7 495 258 13 16 For additional information visit us at, or call us at Technology Ansell, and ™ are trademarks owned by Ansell Limited or one of its affiliates. US Patented and US and non-US Patents Pending: © 2022 Ansell Limited. All Rights Reserved. Neither this document nor any other statement made herein by or on behalf of Ansell should be construed as a warranty of merchantability or that any Ansell product is fit for a particular purpose. Ansell assumes no responsibility for the suitability or adequacy of an end user's selection of gloves for a specific application. ®
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