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5080 Visningar •Köpguide annonsen Health and Safety International - Europas tidskrift för anställda skydd och personlig skyddsutrustning
5017 Visningar •Demonstration av kardborreband för montering / installation av gasdetektor i fallskyddssele
4813 Visningar •Datasheet_ActivArmr_78-110
Kommentering är inte påslagen på denna kursen.
1. Advanced thermal protection: ActivArmr insulated gloves liners’ hollow-core fibers provide excellent thermal insulation, protecting hands from cold temperatures in damp conditions Elevated comfort: A breathable polyester liner and automatic knit technology mean these thermal glove liners ensure comfortable everyday hand protection Genuine practicality: ActivArmr 78-110 glove liners’ seamless design and ambidextrous fit makes them especially convenient to use Certified cold resistance: Satisfying EN 511-010 contact cold standards, they grant users reliable hand protection in cold, damp environments Food handling compliance: They are also FDA- approved food handling gloves, making them appropriate for food processing applications 78-110 Thermal insulating gloves for food applications Previously known as: ProFood 78-110 Cold Light Duty Seamless, thermal glove liners, ensuring comfortable personal protection in cold, damp conditions Industries Food Processing Applications Cold Storage Outdoor Winter Use All food processing applications that have food contact ® ® ® WWW.ANSELL.COM
2. Key Features Hollow-core fibers: For consistently warm thermal liners Automatic knit technology: Truly comfortable extended wear Seamless, ambidextrous design: Dexterity, flexibility and practicality Vulcanization Chemical Accelerators Natural rubber proteins Only a very small number of users may be sensitive to this ingredient(s) and hence may develop irritant and/or allergic contact reactions. 0493 010 214XA X1XXXX 78-110 Thermal insulating gloves for food applications Previously known as: ProFood 78-110 Performance Standards & Regulatory Compliance REACH Compliant Specifications BRAND | STYLE DESCRIPTION Gauge SIZE LENGTH PACKAGE ActivArmr 78-110 Liner Material : Polyester Cuff Style : Knitwrist 13 7, 9 224-254 mm 12 pairs in a master bag; 12 master bags in a carton ® ® For additional information visit us at, or call us at Europe, Middle East & Africa Region Ansell Healthcare Europe NV Riverside Business Park Blvd International, 55 1070 Brussels, Belgium T: +32 (0) 2 528 74 00 F: +32 (0) 2 528 74 01 North America Region Ansell Healthcare Products LLC 111 Wood Avenue South, Suite 210 Iselin, NJ 08830, USA T: +1 800 800 0444 F: +1 800 800 0445 Australia Ansell Limited Level 3,678 Victoria Street, Richmond, Vic, 3121 Australia T: +61 1800 337 041 F: +61 1800 803 578 Asia Pacific Region Ansell Global Trading Center (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Prima 6, Prima Avenue Block 3512, Jalan Teknokrat 6 T: +603 8310 6688 F: +603 8310 6699 Latin America & Caribbean Region Ansell Commercial Mexico S.A. de C.V. Blvd. Bernardo Quintana No. 7001-C, Q7001 Torre II. Suites 1304, 1305 y 1306. Col. Centro Sur, c.p. 76079 Queretaro, Qro. Mexico T: +52 442 248 1544 / 248 3133 Canada Ansell Canada 105 Lauder Cowansville , QC J2K 2K8 Canada T: +1 800 363 8340 F: +1 800 267 3551 Ansell, and ™ are trademarks owned by Ansell Limited or one of its affiliates. US Patented and US and non-US Patents Pending: © 2022 Ansell Limited. All Rights Reserved. Neither this document nor any other statement made herein by or on behalf of Ansell should be construed as a warranty of merchantability or that any Ansell product is fit for a particular purpose. Ansell assumes no responsibility for the suitability or adequacy of an end user's selection of gloves for a specific application. ®
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