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3. Disclaimer Notice All the information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is subject to change without notice. Users should independently evaluate the suitability of each product for their own applications. CleanAIR® products are not designed for, and may not be used in, all applications. Compatible accessories and spare parts Product code Face seal UniMask®, orange 720350.03 Face seal UniMask®, red 720350.04 Face seal UniMask®, neoprene 720350.08 Spare protective visor UniMask® TR1, clear 729000 Spare protective visor UniMask®, TR1, yellow 729001 Spare protective visor UniMask®, TR1, shade 3 729003 Spare protective visor UniMask®, TR1, shade 5 729005 Spare protective visor UniMask®, TR1, clear aPA, chemicaly resistant 729090 Spare protective visor UniMask®, CR1, clear CP 729100 Spare protective visor UniMask®, CR1, clear PC 729101 Protective hood UniMask, short 720360 Protective hood UniMask, long 720361 Protective hood UniMask, washable fabric 720362

2. TECHNICAL DATASHEET CleanAIR® UniMask® Universal faceshield with air distribution Technical specification Product code 720300 Weight 380 g Dimensions 200 mm / 200 mm / 120 mm Materials Frame – Polyamide Face seal – Neoprene or 3D polyamide knit Visor TR1 – Polycarbonate or amorphous polyamide Visor CR1 – Cellulose propionate + ABS or polycarbonate + ABS Input (threads) QuickLOCK® Standard / Protection class EN 12941 TH3 EN 14594 2A/3B (Pressure/Pressure Flow Master) Frame: EN 166 MS 3 4 5 FT B 5/2-5 (visor dependant) Visor protection / Optical class Visor TR1, clear PC: 2C-1,2 MS 1 FT B 9 K N, field of use 3, 4, 5, 9 Visor TR1, yellow PC: 2C-1,2 MS 1 FT B K N, field of use 3, 4, 5 Visor TR1, shade 3 PC: 3/2-3 MS 1 FT B K N, field of use 3, 4, 5 Visor TR1, shade 5 PC: 5/2-5 MS 1 FT B K N, field of use 3, 4, 5 Visor TR1, clear aPA: MS 1 FT, field of use 3, 4 Visor CR1, clear CP: MS 1 S N, field of use 3, 4, 5 Visor CR1, clear PC: MS 1 FT, field of use 3, 4, 5 Storage conditions Operating conditions – 10°C to + 55°C, humidity 20 - 95 % Rh 0°C to + 60°C, humidity 20 - 95 % Rh Recommended hose type Light flexi hose QuickLOCK™ Compatible powered air purifying respirators Standard / Class CleanAIR® AerGO® TH3 CleanAIR® Chemical 2F Plus TH3 CleanAIR® Chemical 2F Ex TH3 CleanAIR® Chemical 3F TH3 CleanAIR® MedicAER TH3 CleanAIR® Basic TH3 CleanAIR® Pressure 2A CleanAIR® Pressure Flow Master 3B Compatible accessories and spare parts Product code Protection film for visor CR1, pack of 10 pcs 729120/10 Head band UniMask® 720340 Frame UniMask® w/o visor and face seal 720310 Face seal UniMask®, grey 720350.01 Face seal UniMask®, blue 720350.02 Disclaimer Notice All the information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is subject to change without notice. Users should independently evaluate the suitability of each product for their own applications. CleanAIR® products are not designed for, and may not be used in, all applications.

1. TECHNICAL DATASHEET www. clean-air .cz Description Light universal faceshield with air distribution, enhanced inner airflow regulation, and visor with excellent optical and mechanical features. * the picture is ilustrational only and may vary depending on additional equipment Application UniMask is suitable for many kinds of grinding and other surface finishing operations, and by heavy duty maintenance. It is convenient for use in the building industry, automotive industry, shipbuilding etc. CleanAIR® UniMask® Universal faceshield with air distribution MALINA - Safety s.r.o. Luční 11, 466 01 Jablonec n. Nisou, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 483 356 600, Email.: export@malina-safety.cz Web.: www.malina-safety.cz / www.clean-air.cz © CleanAIR® All rights reserved Revision.: 2023_03_07 Output.: 2023_03_08 DA-083_-_720300_-_UniMask_-_EN

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