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3757 Visningar •Kontrollera linje II underhållsmanual
4665 Visningar •Chemsplash Pro WD40 Test
4252 Visningar •ergonomi 2006
4629 Visningar •Ose_directory Suspension sele
4059 Visningar •Köpguide annonsen Health and Safety International - Europas tidskrift för anställda skydd och personlig skyddsutrustning
5017 Visningar •Demonstration av kardborreband för montering / installation av gasdetektor i fallskyddssele
4813 Visningar •VISOR Installationssteg
5080 Visningar •Desinfektionsprodukter med effekt på Corona Virus 2019 Ncov
4233 Visningar •Hörselskydd 3M
3669 Visningar •Statistik för arbete under 2014
4325 Visningar •LOTO_GuideBook_Europe_English
4467 Visningar •Remote Area Lighting System
3183 Visningar •Isol8 - The Ultimate absorberande för spill
3191 Visningar •Work Magazine - November 2012
3558 Visningar •KEE_DOME_MINI
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3747 Visningar •Instruktionsfilmer Sign hållare
3001 Visningar •PREMARK installationsmanual
3908 Visningar •D-S CSR Handbook
19990 Visningar •Hitta handske storlek - Storleksguide för handskar
12967 Visningar •Quick guide 3M PELTOR WS ProTac XPI_advanced (1)
9167 Visningar •3M jupiter manuell
8580 Visningar •83735-00000A Safety Data Sheet
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7694 Visningar •9100 Manuell
7438 Visningar •Förklaring av den nya EN ISO 374 standard kemikalier
6686 Visningar •LA600 UI A3 26 LANGUAGES 22 08 2019 598
6571 Visningar •EN 388 nya etiketter förklaring
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6086 Visningar •3M TR 300 PAPR utbildning video
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5434 Visningar •GuardianChemicalReport
5337 Visningar •Urvalsguide respirator
5110 Visningar •VARMEX 2000 Fördelar
5080 Visningar •VISOR Installationssteg
5080 Visningar •Köpguide annonsen Health and Safety International - Europas tidskrift för anställda skydd och personlig skyddsutrustning
5017 Visningar •Demonstration av kardborreband för montering / installation av gasdetektor i fallskyddssele
4813 Visningar •DA-065-30-03-64-A1B1E1-P-R-SL-OZONE-EN-2
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3. Main requirements of EN 12941:1998/A2:2008 Breathing resistance with clean filters Required Less than 30 l/min max. 260 Pa 152 Pa 95 l/min max. 980 Pa 571 Pa Gas filter capacity with test gas (30 l/min) Required At least Cyclohexane C6H12 min. 35 min 51,5 min Chlorine CI2 min. 20 min 30 min Hydrogen Sulphide H2S min. 40 min 60 min Hydrogen Cyanide HCN min. 25 min 26 min Sulphur Dioxide SO2 min. 20 min 26 min Ammonia NH3 min. 40 min 50 min Mercury Hg min. 100 hour 100 hours Gas filter capacity with test gas (70 l/min) Required At least Cyclohexane C6H12 min. 70 min 80 min Chlorine CI2 min. 20 min 30 min Hydrogen Sulphide H2S min. 40 min 60 min Hydrogen Cyanide HCN min. 25 min 30 min Sulphur Dioxide SO2 min. 20 min 30 min Ammonia NH3 min. 50 min 55 min Mercury Hg min. 100 hours 100 hours Maximum permitted penetration of test aerosol (95 l/min) Required Less than Sodium Chloride NaCl max. 0,05 % 0,001 % Paraffin oil max. 0,05 % 0,001 % Filter AerGO® A1B1E1 P R SL - OZONE meets all requiremets and comply with stated norms. In addition, in most aspects the filter extensively surpasses the requirements of the standard. For more information please contact our sales de- partment at Disclaimer Notice All the information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is subject to change without notice. Users should independently evaluate the suitability of each product for their own applications. CleanAIR® products are not designed for, and may not be used in, all applications. TECHNICAL DATASHEET Filter AerGO® A1B1E1 P R SL - OZONE Combined filter with AerGO® thread
1. TECHNICAL DATASHEET www. clean-air .cz * the picture is ilustrational only and may vary depending on additional equipment Filter AerGO® A1B1E1 P R SL - OZONE Combined filter with AerGO® thread MALINA - Safety s.r.o. Luční 11, 466 01 Jablonec n. Nisou, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 483 356 600, Email.: Web.: / © CleanAIR® All rights reserved Revision.: 2019_10_01 Output.: 2019_11_01
2. TECHNICAL DATASHEET Filter AerGO® A1B1E1 P R SL - OZONE Combined filter with AerGO® thread Technical specification Product code 30 03 64 Standards TH3 A1B1E1KP R SL - OZONE according to EN 12941:1998 / A2:2008 Compatibility Recommended PAPR units CleanAIR® AerGO® Weight 280 g Dimensions diameter 110 mm height 65 mm Materials filter housing: ABS filtration medium: microfiber glass media activated charcoal Thread AerGO® compatible Storage conditions Operating conditions – 10°C to + 55°C, humidity 20 - 95 % RH + 0°C to + 60°C, humidity 20 - 95 % RH Group of contaminants Protect against A Organic gases and vapours with a boiling point above 65 °C (e.g. toluene, benzene, styrene, kerosene, petrol, isobuthanol, ...) B Inorganic gases and vapours (e.g. fluorine, chlorine, hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen peroxide, ...) E Acid gases and vapours (e.g. carbon dioxide, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, formic acid, hydrogen fluoride, ...) OZONE Protection against OZONE in concentration less than 20 mg/m 3 (ppm) (the effectivenes tested according to Danish standard for measuring ozone, dated 26 March, 2001) P Solid particles in the form of liquid and solid aerosols (e.g. dust, smoke, fibres, bacteria, viruses and radioactive particles, ...) Disclaimer Notice All the information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is subject to change without notice. Users should independently evaluate the suitability of each product for their own applications. CleanAIR® products are not designed for, and may not be used in, all applications.
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