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4252 Visningar •ergonomi 2006
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4059 Visningar •Köpguide annonsen Health and Safety International - Europas tidskrift för anställda skydd och personlig skyddsutrustning
5017 Visningar •Demonstration av kardborreband för montering / installation av gasdetektor i fallskyddssele
4813 Visningar •VISOR Installationssteg
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5081 Visningar •VISOR Installationssteg
5080 Visningar •Köpguide annonsen Health and Safety International - Europas tidskrift för anställda skydd och personlig skyddsutrustning
5017 Visningar •Demonstration av kardborreband för montering / installation av gasdetektor i fallskyddssele
4813 Visningar •70000100-p01h-1218_sr_200_rev_16-leaflet
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1. Head Office Factory Tel: +46 10 484 87 00 Tel: +46 10 484 87 00 Visiting address: Visiting address: Stockholmsvägen 33 Västergatan 4 SE-181 33 Lidingö SE-341 50 Lagan Product leaflet The SR 200 full face mask is made of silicone and is produced in one size that will fit most face sizes. The mask is equipped with three inhalation valves and two exhalation valves, and the breathing resistance is therefore very low. The exhalation valve covers with baffles effectively protect the valves and membranes against dust and paint mist. The design and location of the exhalation valves improve the scope available for communicating. The material and pigments of the mask body are FDA- and BGA approved for exposure to provisions, which minimizes the risk of contact allergies. The easily adjustable elastic head harness of the mask is secured to the visor frame and to the exhalation valves which, together with a large crown plate, contributes towards a comfortable and secure fit. The spherical visor of the mask is made of scratch-resistant polycarbonate, which provides a large field of vision. The mask can be used either as a filtering device in combination with filters from the Sundström range of filters, or as breathing apparatus with a continuous air flow together with the SR 307 compressed air attachment. The SR 200 can also be used as head top together with the Sundström fan unit SR 500 or SR 700. Holder for pre-filter is included. The SR 200 full face masks together with the SR 500 EX fan are approved for use in a potentially explosive atmosphere. Best stored in box SR 344 alternatively storage case SR 339-1 or SR 339-2. P01H-1218 Rev 16 20180917 Product Model No. Ordering No. Full face mask SR 200, PC visor H01-1212 SR 200, glass visor H01-1312 Product Description Technical specification SR 200 EN 136:1998, EN 166:2001, EN 148-1:1999 Inhalation resistance at 30 l/min ≈ 10 Pa ≤ 50 Pa Exhalation resistance at 160 l/min ≈ 56 Pa ≤ 300 Pa Service temperature -10 – +55 °C, < 90 % RH - Storage temperature -20 – +40 °C, < 90 % RH - Weight ≈ 450 g - Impact test with 6 mm dia. steel ball against PC-visor 120 m/s 120 m/s Standard thread connection 40 x 1/7" 40 x 1/7" Assigned Protection Factor¹ 40 (P3) - 20 (GasX) - 20 (GasX P3) - Nominal Protection Factor 2 1000 (P3) - 2000 (GasX) - 1000 (GasX P3) - Approvals Directive Standards Classification/marking PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 EN 136:1998 Class 3 3) , Class 2 4) ATEX 2014/34/EU EN 60079 - 0:2012, EN 60079-11:2012, II 2 G Ex ib IIA T3 Gb 5) EN 13463-1:2009 II 2 G Ex ib IIB T3 Gb 6) II 2 D Ex ib IIIC T195°C Db 7) IECEx Scheme IEC 60079-0:2011, IEC 60079-11:2011 Ex ib IIA T3 Gb 5) , Ex ib IIB T3 Gb 6) Ex ib IIIC T195°C Db 7) 1) Specified in BS 4275 and applies to all approved full-face masks with particulate filter P3, regardless of the test results. 2) According to EN 529:2005. 3) Applies to H01-1212 with PC visor. 4) Applies to H01-1312 with glass visor. 5) Applies to H01-1212 with PC visor together with SR 500 EX fan. 6) Applies to H01-1312 with glass visor together with SR 500 EX fan. 7) Applies to all SR 200 models together with SR 500 EX fan. Key to ATEX marking Explosion protection mark. II Equipment group (explosive atmospheres other than mines with fire damp). 2 G Equipment category (2 = High level of protection for Zone 1, G = Gas). 2 D Equipment category (2 = High level of protection for Zone 21, D = Dust). Ex Explosion protected. ib Type of protection (Intrinsic safety). IIA Gas group (Propane). IIB Gas group (Ethylene). IIIC Dust material group (zone with conductive dust). T3 Temperature class, gas (maximum surface temperature +200°C). T195°C Temperature class, dust (maximum surface temperature +195°C). Gb Equipment Protection Level, gas (high protection). Db Equipment Protection Level, dust (high protection). Key to IECEx marking Ex Explosion protected . ib Type of protection (Intrinsic safety). IIA Gas group (Propane). IIB Gas group (Ethylene). IIIC Dust material group (zone with conductive dust) . T3 Temperature class, gas (maximum surface temperature +200°C). T195°C Temperature class, dust (maximum surface temperature +19 5°C). Gb Equipment Protection Level, gas (high protection). Db Equipment Protection Level, dust (high protection). A. Mask body B. Visor, PC or glass C. Head harness D. Exhalation valve seat E. Exhalation membrane F. Protective cap G. Inhalation valve H. Adapter I. Filters (not included) J. Pre-filter K. Pre-filter holder A C B D G H I K J E F
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