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1. This certificate includes one page. No duplicate will be issued . -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------- This type of equipment is not a Personal Protective Equipment against falls from height, the present certificate of conformit y is not an EU type examination certificate delivered by the notified body APAVE . This certificate cancels and replaces the one edited the 25/01/2021 under the same number APAVE SUDEUROPE SAS Siège social : 8 rue Jean - Jacques Vernazza - Z.A.C. Saumaty - Séon - CS 60193 - 13322 MARSEILLE CEDEX 16 Tél. : 04 96 15 22 60 - Fax : 04 96 15 22 61 - Site Internet : www.apave.com Société par Actions Simplifiée au Capital de 6 648 544 € - N° SIREN : 518 720 925 CONFORMITY CERTIFICATE N° 20.1755_3 /A 1. Applicant Applicant: M r . Jean - Charles IANZ Manufacturer: TRACTEL SAS – RD619 - BP38 Saint - Hilaire - Sous - Romilly - 10102 ROMILLY - SUR - SEINE - France 2. Equipment Type of equipment : T ype A A nchor device – EN 795:20 12 and Technical Specification CEN/TS 16415:2013 Trademark : TRACTEL Model : Embase murale déportée Reference: 210128 3. Description Anchor device type A, in S235 and S355 steel, made of a connector board, dimensions 230mm x 230mm and a sheath, intern diameter 120mm, including two assembly plates with one with 2 anchor points. Base with wall fixing. Equipment also assessed according to the requirement of Technical Specification CEN/TS 16415:2013, for use by 2 people at 150kg without exceed ING 1 people by anchor point for a total weight of 300kg (detailed in the conformity report n° 20.1755 ). 4. Technical referential The assessment of conformity was conducted taking into account the provisions of: - European standard EN 795:2012 "Personal fall protec tion equipment - Anchor devices ". - Technical Specification CEN/TS 16415:2013 “Personal fall protection equipment - Anchor devices - Recommendations for anchor devices for use by more than one person simultaneously” . 5. Condition s for use This anchor device - type A - is not considered as Personal Protective Equipment but it is intended be used as part , together with other components, of a personal fall protection system in accordance with standard EN363. It is intended to be removable from the structure and to be part of the anchor . 6. Conclusion The type A anchor device , trade mark " TRACTEL ", model “ Emba se murale déportée ” complies with the provisions of European standard EN 795:2012 and of the technical specification TS 16415 of January 2013 for use by 2 people . 19 /0 8 /202 2 The technical assessment manager Centre d’Essais de Fontaine 17, Bd Paul Langevin 38600 FONTAINE - France Tél. +33.(0)

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